Supporting Local Charities And Beyond
We are passionate about supporting local charities and fundraisers. This year, we have committed to supporting three incredible charities; The Wish Centre, Blackburn Youthzone and My Life Legacy.
The Wish Centre is a specialist domestic abuse organisation who supports victims and their families by providing advice, support & accommodation.
Their mission is to assist in the relief of people who have suffered or who are at risk of suffering domestic abuse, through the provision of support, advice and accommodation. The charity's aim is to secure the safety of those affected by domestic abuse and support their development so that each individual is helped to grow and fulfil their potential into the future. The Wish Centre is against all forms of abuse whether the abuse is: physical, verbal, psychological, emotional, sexual or financial.
Our staff regularly take part in a variety of fundraising challenges and activities to raise vital funds for this amazing local charity. To find out more about this charity,

Based in Standish, Wigan, My Life Legacy helps to improve the lives of children, young people and adults, with or without disabilities. They provide a range of opportunities that aims to reduce social isolation by bringing people together to learn, build relationships, gain confidence and be more independent. One of the activities they offer is horse riding which takes place on-site from their approved Riding for the Disabled Association equestrian centre.
Horse riding provides a range of therapeutic and health benefits to the My Life members. It can help to improve confidence levels, communication skills, physical ability and boost wellbeing. The equestrian facility includes an indoor riding school which required large mirrors installing to help give the riders visual feedback, enabling them to make corrections and see their effect. With a supplier sourced, Beverly Brighton Dressage, Haydock agreed to purchase a set of mirrors to support the large number of My Life members who enjoy riding.

Blackburn and Darwen Youth Zone is a 21st century hub located at the heart of Blackburn. It is open to young people aged 5 to 25 years old and aims to change the prospects offered to young people in the area. Offering a state-of-the-art £5 million facility, young people have a space which provides “Somewhere to go, something to do and someone to talk to”.
In April, we were delighted to sponsor the Blackburn Beer & Gin Festival, where all proceeds were in aid of the Youth Zone.